EDM’s beliefs on salvation

Why Christ was sent
We believe that Jesus Christ was sent into this world to save sinners from their sin (Matt. 9:13) as well as to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8). The Father sent His only begotten Son to die a substitutionary death upon a cross (Psalm 22:16) for the sins of mankind. We believe Jesus Christ was the only individual that was able to fulfill this redemptive work because of the sinlessness of his character and the value of his person. Sin is such a terrible crime (1 John 3:4) in the eyes of God that it could only be dealt safely and justly through the death of Jesus Christ. We believe Jesus Christ was also sent for many other reasons that the Christian will discover throughout their walk. Ultimately, it is most important to understand that Jesus was sent by God the Father to be the mediator between God and man to redeem us from sin.

Salvation By Grace Through Faith?
The question of how one can be saved is a very controversial topic. However, the bible clearly states in Ephesians 2:8-10 that we are saved by grace through faith. We cannot do enough works to receive forgiveness from God. We must humble ourselves as the tax collector did in Luke 18:9-14 and simply receive God’s mercy through faith. Unfortunately, many individuals have misrepresented salvation by faith as a means to justify their sin. We believe that true faith is accompanied by love and action (1 John 3:18, Galatians 5:6). We also believe grace is the divine empowerment to overcome sin as well as the chance to do so and therefore not a reason to commit sin (Romans 6:1-2).

Salvation as a Process
We believe that salvation is undeniably linked to progressive sanctification. When an individual receives Jesus Christ into their life they also receive a new nature. Upon or before receiving this new nature the individual will enter into an internal and external warfare with satan and his demons. As the believer overcomes temptation repetitively they will indefinitely grow in spiritual maturity and conform to the image of God’s Son. Sanctification is not optional for the believer (Romans 8:29). The doctrine of Christian sanctification implies a progressive work in the believer and is not instant, thus implying that complete perfection is not reached until the redemption of the body (Romans 7:24). The fullness of salvation is achieved once the believer endures until the end of their Christian walk (James 1:12) and is received into glory.